Que mala entraña tiene esa negra, que mala entraña tiene con fe. Me ha trabajao con to los muertos, para ponerme la vida alrevés. No hay un santo ni un cabildo y nunca falta ningun bembé. Ella siempre vive pensando que mi cabeza baje a los pies.
Me tenian amarrao con fe, amarrao pero me solté.
De la puntica de un tarro viejo, sacaba polvo para el café, y me lo daba la muy maldita para ponerme el mundo alrevés. Tambien me daba polvo de sapo porque con eso me incha los pies.
Me santiguaba con apazote, con mejorada y flor de cafe.
Tras de la puerta siempre tenia una retratro mio puesto alreves.
Hacia un sahumerio y un reguio, y lo hechaba por la pared. Y todo eso para amarrarme, y con todo me le solté.
Me tenian amarrao con fe, amarrao pero me solté.
Esa negrita y su brujeria, esa negrita que mala es.
Era bruja, pero a mi no me entra la brujeria, porque yo también tengo a ocha.
What horrible essence that woman has, what a horrible essence with faith. She's worked me with all the dead, to turn my life upside down. There's not a saint or Cabildo and she's never short on bembé. She's always thinking that my head go down to my feet.
She had me tied down, tied down but I freed my myself from her. From the edge of an old jar, she would grab dust for the coffee, and that wicked woman would give it to me to turn my world upside-down. She would also give me frog dust, because with that she would make my feet swell. She would make the cross at me with basil, mejorara, and coffee flowers. Behind the door she would always keep a portrait of me backwards. She would prepare incense and a reguio, and would throw it on the wall. All of that to tie me down, and with all that I freed myself.
She had me tied down with faith, tied but I freed myself. That little negra and her witchcraft, that little negra... how bad she is!
She was a witch, but witchcraft doesn't work on me because I also have follow the [regla de] ocha.