The males are born with an 11 mm aracnoid cyst in the left temporal lobe. It gives us ADHD-PI, and very high natural intelligence. We're master reverse-engineers. However, our emotions can kill us of a stroke.
Nonetheless, I consider myself fortunate to have been given this double-edged sword. As long as I keep myself happy and well fed, I'll live a full life. Though I have been fortunate, others have a cyst that is too large for their heads. These are your Hitlers, and maybe your Bushes.
I'm not saying that everyone that has an oversized cyst in their temporal lobe is a criminal, but we must recognize that a person with this condition shouldn't be allowed to drive, own a gun, or serve in government. These are mere precautions.
You can see my CT scan here. Why can't you see your leaders'!?